Sunday 18 February 2018

shafi hadi - update

Regretfully I have no more news on the fate of Shafi Hadi.
This post is purely to bounce him to the top of the metaphorical page so my quiet quest is not overlooked by jazz fans across the world.
While writing though, I'd mention that I've started to write poetry. Actually, I've been writing poetry since I was 15 (with an intermission of nearly 60 years) but I've never considered myself any good at it so it's never seen the light of day. My aim with this renaissance was to see whether this semi-century or so of additional experience and acquired learning has improved my lyrical ability.
It hasn't. I'm still crap. Scansion is erratic; rhyme slack; meter fractured; and I can never find the right word or the right language or the right "voice" - not that I even know what "voice" means. And what the heck is an iambic foot?
Thus my poetry will remain unsung, unspoken and will accompany me to my eventual funeral pyre.

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