What baffles me about modern-day democratic politics is how
anyone with lesser wealth than that possessed by a billionaire could possibly
vote a billionaire into a position as premier of a nation, be it a president,
prime minister or ‘statesperson.’
Have you ever heard of a rich politician becoming poorer as a
result of serving the nation? In modern days, almost invariably anyone entering
politics ends up much wealthier than when they started. With few exceptions,
repeatedly our leaders have proven they are very proficient at one aspect of
public life – making money for themselves, even when they already own obscene
Bear in mind that wealth cannot be created or destroyed – it
can only be converted or transferred, so when one person makes a mint, another
loses a mint. And guess who loses? Not the rich politician. So the richer our
leaders become, the deeper into poverty the rest of us must sink. Yet we vote
for them, time and time again! Isn’t that astounding?
On the other hand, look at the majority of jazz musicians.
How many of them are able to boast of vast wealth? I bet lots of them are
hardly making a living other than by taking a job during the day and playing
during their ‘leisure’ time. Maybe a few can command hefty appearance fees, or
plump royalties, but I reckon they’re few and far between. Unarguably, jazz
musicians bring far more pleasure to our lives than any of our self-serving,
self-aggrandizing politicians, many of whom I’m sad to say are liars, cheats
and fakes.
So – in future elections, vote for the impecunious, and to
make sure your interests are served, vote for a jazz musician. They are more
creative, honest and civic minded than any of the corrupt and smug
self-satisfied rich we have in charge at the moment.
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